Saturday, March 1, 2014

Increase of Google Adsense CPC - Maximize Adsense Revenue !

If you are wondering ,how to improve the income, you are earning with your blogs,video's or website, and maybe also Adsense for Search (Place an Adsense ads serving Searchengine from Google on your site,and earn) and Feeds (You wil may have to use the Google Webmastertool to make your feeds url),you just have to read this info,cause this Blog is about how to increase Google Adsense's CPC (Cost per Click ) for your ads.CPC can be between 1 cent ,and 149 dollars per click on your ad ,as far as I know.

The Niche you are in, means,the subject ,and keywords, your site is built around.If you have dicovered a good niche,the best thing is, you make a website about a subject, that is well searched on Google,but has not much competition,but has keywords, that have a high CPC, that you can find ,on this site :

Or you could use the Adwords Keyword tool, in your Google Adwords account.Some keywords ,will pay more than 10 $ per click, for certain niches ,like trading, and business sites.But also, on various other subjects.You have to go for the best option,and choose a subject or keywords ,that you also like.So you are not ending up making sites or blogs,just for making money Easy Way To Make Money To Internet!

2. The relevancy of your keywords

If you don't use relevant keywords,the Google Adsense crawler bot won't give you high paying quality ads.Use your keywords to build your site around them,and also create unique content,cause the spiders recognize copied material and this also lowers the cpc.
Using Keywords

Don't over use a specific keyword,or keywords,cause the bots see this as spammy,and you'll end up ranking very low in the searchengines.Write powerfull content, that is easy to read ,and understand.

4.Make sure, you have good, and unique content
Create a website that contains a lot of content.If you don't have much high quality content,it will give you low cpc ,cause then Adsense will show the inhouse ads,or low paying ads wich are mostly just 1 cent per click.and your ranking will be low,so create good content.

5.Get rid of low paying ads, by blocking them.

It's better to Block Low paying CPC ads,in de Adsense block and allow ads section,or in the Adsense review centre. You should use the Adsense Preview tool. That's a tool you can download. You can also read the instructions, how to use it.Basically ,you can look at all the ads displayed, for your url of your site ,blog or video.Those ads can be high ,or low paying,and you can check them ,with again, the keywordspy tool.       
6. Competitive ad filter blacklist ,and blocking Categories.

And you also can use, the competitive ad filter blocklist , provided here for you. It offers 500 url's, from low paying advertisers, you can block in the review centre of adsense,or in the allow and block ads section,where you also can filter out, the sensitive categories from the ads, that you don't want adsense to display.I wouldn't block the advertisers networks,cause google let's them compete ,and bid, for the highest cpc, to display the ads on your site,and are also certified by Google Adsense & Google Adwords!
Happy Earning !   



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