11:23 AM

Google says these things were only part of a bigger upgrade to its
payments system, and that changes will be rolling out to all publishers
over the coming months.
In blog posting
today, Google’ “For publishers located in countries
where we offer payments via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), we’ve made
improvements to this form of payment to give you quicker access to your
earnings. Once your account has been upgraded to our new system, EFT
payments will appear in your bank account just days after posting to
your Payments page. As always, EFT payments are free of charge, less
error prone, more efficient and the most environmentally-friendly
payment method.”
“With these changes, please note that the new system won’t support
check payments in countries where we offer EFT as a form of payment,”
Keady adds. “If you’re located in a country where we offer EFT payments
and you currently receive check payments, please be advised that you’ll
need to complete a few steps once your account is upgraded. However, no
immediate action is required on your part at the moment. Once your
account is transitioned to the new system, you’ll receive an email
notification with detailed instructions on setting up EFT payments.”
Google says it is also working on ways to improve the payments
process and speed up payments for countries that don’t support EFT.
Unfortunately, no specifics are given on that front.
Google Adsenes Publisher payment Setting Comming Soon !! Happy Earning )
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