If you are an Adsense Publisher, you always want to increase your earning through clicks. Sometimes it happens that you have good CTR, I mean you are getting a good number clicks from Adsense but your estimated earning is low. For example, you gave got 40 clicks and your estimated earning was $0.77! It s
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You aren’t responsible for this low earning. Actually Low CPC (Cost Per Click) is responsible for it. You might have noticed that Adsense shows Ads according to post contents. Specifically we can say that Ads are related with post’s keywords. CPC is related with these keywords.
Google won’t pay you an average rate for clicks. Sometimes you will earn $3 for a click where sometimes they won’t pay you $3 for 50 clicks. Here is the point. It depends on the Ads that people clicked. If people clicked on a high paying ad then you’ll get a good payment. As I said Ads are showing according to your content’s keywords, if you have high paying keywords in your post you will get high CPC.
It’s obvious that all of these keywords won’t be suitable for your niche. Just find the keywords that are related with your blog and try to use them on your blog post. Never abuse these keywords.
So you want to know which are high paying keywords? Wait, in this post I’ll share 70 high paying keywords for Adsense. Before we move to the keywords here some all
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